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“I have good adventures in Russia…”

  • 28 March 2023, 14:42
  • Author: admin
  • Views 548
VyatSU student from Gabon told why he chose Russia for higher education

A student of Vyatka State University from Gabon told why he chose Russia for higher education, what advantages it will give him in the future, and also shared his impressions of life in our country.

Ivan Butamba Dibimba came from Gabon to Russia 5 years ago. After completing a one-year course in the study of the Russian language in Veliky Novgorod, he entered the Vyatka State University at the Faculty of Economics. Today Ivan is a 4th year student, as well as an employee of the international activities department of Vyatka State University.

Ivan's first surprise from our country was that it is actually very cold here. He thought he had prepared well for his arrival in November, bringing a sweater with him. But, leaving the airport building, he immediately returned back and for a long time did not dare to go outside again.

For the second time, a foreign student was surprised to learn that there were as many Ivanovs in Russia as in Gabon. For example, only in his class there were three of them.

Ivan says that he originally planned to enter France, but was late with the submission of documents. His friend, who had already studied in Russia, advised him to come to our country.

- It was not difficult to enter Russia to study. I applied to the Russian embassy with documents on education, the staff consulted me and selected a university. There is not much difference in the cost of education in Russia and Gabon. I decided that learning another foreign language would be an advantage for me. We have many who studied in Russia, especially from previous generations. For example, many of our good doctors were educated in Russia, - says Ivan.


According to him, there were no big problems associated with adaptation, as he did not hesitate to ask and ask questions about what he did not understand. He made many friends who helped and, as they say, "taught life" in Russia.

About the difference in mentality, Ivan says this:

- In Gabon we usually smile when we see people. A man can easily say to an unfamiliar girl: “Oh, how beautiful!”. In Russia, if you smile at everyone you meet on the street, they will at least look at you strangely. It’s also not customary for us to say to a person: “I don’t like you”, we are afraid of offending, and in this case we always find words to do without insults. Russian people, on the other hand, are more direct in this regard, they do not hide their attitude towards a person, if they don’t like it, they will say so.


Ivan says with a smile that at first he got acquainted with Russian cuisine with his eyes closed, the appearance of the food did not arouse his appetite. Now he enjoys eating dumplings and pilaf, and those dishes where meat and vegetables are in the first place. This is how it is usually cooked in his homeland. Soups he did not accept for himself.

In Gabon, Ivan left four brothers and sisters. His father is a mathematics teacher at the university, and his mother is in business. During the five years that Ivan studied in Russia, he never went to his home. According to tradition, you can return only when education is fully completed.

During his studies, Ivan managed to write two books, and is now working on a third, which he writes in Russian. In his works, he talks about the traditions and customs of his country, which are of interest not only to foreigners, but also to the Gabonese themselves, who often forget about their unique culture in pursuit of Western fashion trends. In a book in Russian, Ivan wants to show the difference and similarity of our cultures.

- I think I have good adventures in Russia - I study, I work. In the future, I plan to enter the magistracy, then, if possible, to graduate school. I see my future in Gabon. The acquired knowledge in the field of economics and command of the language will allow me to develop my business, including at the international level, - says Ivan.


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