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Snakes in the Kirov region attacked two people: medical assistance was needed

  • 6 June 2023, 19:21
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4024

Two residents of the Kirov region asked for help because of snake bites. According to the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Vyatka", both cases were recorded in the Malmyzhsky district, and the case went without the intervention of doctors. For comparison, in the past 2022, 13 Kirov residents suffered from snakes.

In Kirov, residents of Sunny Beach often complain about snakes, where this was not the case 30 years ago. However, over the years, the area has become overgrown, garbage began to be dumped there, and decaying organic matter is an ideal place for snakes to breed, notes Vladimir Ryabov, senior lecturer in the Department of Ecology and Nature Management at Vyatka State University.

Earlier we wrote that in the Yaransky district, the search for a bear that attacked a woman continues. The other day he was noticed by vacationers at the pond, and also met by a motorcyclist on a forest road. The Ministry of Environmental Protection decided to regulate it.


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