Оur university

There are more certified managers in the Kirov region

  • 12 December 2022, 12:53
  • Author: admin
  • Views 733

The government of the region awarded diplomas to seventeen graduates of the twenty-fifth stream of the Presidential Program for Training Management Personnel for Organizations of the National Economy of the Russian Federation.

“The Kirov Region was one of the first to take part in the Presidential Program for Management Training. During its implementation, more than a thousand people have been trained in the region. Today, many of them work in government and local governments, and also hold leadership positions in organizations and enterprises in the region. The government of the Kirov region is interested in the further development of the Program.

The knowledge and experience acquired during the training under the Presidential Program will give graduates the opportunity to implement promising socially significant projects, create new jobs, modernize enterprises and improve their management systems. This will be a significant contribution to solving the problems facing the region,” -  Andrey Luchinin noted.

The event was also attended by Sergey Nikulin, Vice-Rector for Education of the Vyatka State University, Gennady Mamaev, General Director of JSC LEPSE Electric Machine Building Plant, and Petr Kochetov, Vice-President of the Association of Participants of the Presidential Program of the Kirov Region.

According to VyatSU Vice-Rector for Education Sergey Nikulin, for several years the competition for education has been very high, which indicates the demand for the program in the region.

“Vyatka State University is proud to be a member of the state management training plan. I am sure that the social capital that you have acquired here will help you on your life path. Big business, like big enterprises, needs specialists with serious communication skills, who are able to independently set goals and achieve them, who are capable of self-learning, work successfully not only individually, but also in a team.

I would like to recall the words of Henry Ford: “Everyone who stops learning is getting old, no matter at 20 or 80 years old, and anyone else who continues remains young,” and wish you not to stop there and achieve your goals,” - said Sergei Nikulin.

The President's Management Training Program is aimed at building human resources for the real sector of the economy and public administration. The Kirov region has been participating in its implementation since 1997. Among the graduates of the program are the heads of large industrial and agricultural enterprises of the region, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, the social sector and the service sector.


“Bisnes-novosti“, Kirov

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