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Athlete from VyatSU Mardet Doskhoeva conquered new peaks

  • 22 June 2022, 10:08
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1720

At the annual All-Russian tournament "Mandarin" in Ryazan, she updated her own world record and set a new one

In mid-June, RZN Power Weekend, a multisport festival, was held in Ryazan. It included competitions in various sports: boxing, crossfit, power extreme, powerlifting, freestyle wrestling. A special place in the festival was occupied by powerlifting. It was here that more than a dozen world records of the World Elite Powerlifting Federation were broken. And it was on this All-Russian Powerlifting tournament that the strongest athletes from all over Russia gathered!

Open air, field, hot sun, lively music are unusual conditions for the performance of athletes, but each of them should be ready for everything, show its maximum result in any conditions.

A 4th year student at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports, VyatSU, Maret Doskhoeva coped with excitement and quickly adapted to competitive realities at the tournament. Already in the first movement of “Squats with the bar”, she recorded the largest weight in the tournament in her stream - 155 kg, setting the new WRPF world record and adding 15 kg to her best indicator in this movement.

In her second, signature, movement, she also recorded the largest weight - 120 kg, updating her world record from 115 kg. In the thrust Maret “modestly” raised 135 kg and collected the amount of 410 kg, thereby exceeding the standard of the MSMK WRPF by 12.5 kg.

Maret, well done, keep it up! New peaks are waiting ahead!

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