Оur university

Sports at VyatSU

  • 3 January 2017, 00:02
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4512

The University Sports Club organizes and conducts all-university sports events, as well as citywide and regional sports activities to contribute to the promotion of healthy lifestyle. It organizes sports classes of recovering swimming, wrestling, sports tourism, volleyball, basketball, football, climbing, athletics, and bodybuilding.

Scheduled physical exercises help maintaining students’ fitness. Groups’ competitions in various sports and University sports festivals are organized regularly. Well-developed sports skills of students let them properly represent our University in important national competitions.

The University has got its own skiing complex, a sports camp, educational and athletic building with play rooms, a wrestling room, a gym, a room for physiotherapy exercises.

On the basis of VyatSU sanatorium every year over 700 University students can receive their treatment and wellness procedures without leaving their work or study. The University also has got a summer sports camp "Luch", where the student-athletes spend their summer holidays.

Since 2002 the University has developed and implemented a comprehensive program for sports, recreational and cultural work with students for the period of winter and summer vacations.

Full-time students participate in cultural and thematic shifts and workshops that are carried out in health resorts of the Black Sea coast of Crimea. The combination of leisure, education, sports and recreational activities has become very popular among students. In the winter holidays there are organized trips to St. Petersburg, to the "Golden Ring of Russia" and some others.

Since the opening of the Department of physical education over 80 Masters of Sport have been prepared there.

Below find the list of impressive sports achievements of VyatSU students - Masters of Sport of International level:

Irina Yemelyanova (HTF-1988) - Champion of the USSR, Europe and the World (judo);

Michael Kozerodov (FAVT-1988) - Champion of the USSR, the winner of international competitions (of radio-sport);

Andrei Perminov (ETF-1997) - Champion and the winner of the Cup of Russia, the prize-winner of the World Championships (swimming);

Andrey Belyaev (SEF-2003) - multiple Champion and the winner of the Russian Cup, the multiple Champion and World record holder (powerlifting);

Olga Gmyzina (HTF-2005) – the two-time winner of the Cup of Russia (ice dancing).

The List of University students - the winners of city, regional and All-Russian competitions.

Masters of Sport:


Boris Krasnov (FAVT-1980) - cross-country skiing

Yury Kasyanov (FAVT-1985) – cross-country skiing

Eugene Sozontov (ETF-1992) - track and field athletics

Maxim Sokovnin (FAM-1998) - cross-country skiing

Nadezhda Kiseleva (FAVT-1998) - cross-country skiing

Eugene Malykh (SEF-1998) – speed skating

Alexey Yuferev (FAM-1999) - orienteering

Vadim Usanov (ICF-1999) - powerlifting

Andrei Altsybeev (SEF-2000) - powerlifting

Yan Shabardin (ETF 2000) - cross-country skiing

Valery Degtyarev (ETF-2003) - track and field athletics

Olga Martyanova (ETP -2005) - track and field athletics

Eugene Tatarintsev (FPMT 2009) - sambo

Oleg Shestakov (SEF-2009) - classic (Greco-Roman)  wrestling

The student-athletes are participating now in  competitions at various levels:

Alisa Skopina (ChF, 5th year student) - Powerlifting

Konstantin Gorokhov (ETF, 4th year student) - Track and Field Athletics

Vyacheslav Pylaev  (ETF, 3rd year student) – Orienteering

Tatiana Toropova (SEF, 2nd year student) - Cross-Country Skiing


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