Оur university

VyatSU student among top three in track and field competitions

  • 22 December 2017, 10:52
  • Author: admin
  • Views 8712

On December 18-21, 2017 in Moscow Olympic Center named after the brothers Znamensky the All-Russian Open Track and Field Athletics Competition "Student Sports Stars" took place.

Vyatka State University was represented at the competitions by a team of track and field athletics.
The 2nd place with a result 16m 35cm was won by Master of Sports of Russia Alexander Krutikov, a master’s student from the Faculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering of Vyatka State University (trained by Vitaly Podkovyrin).


It is worth saying that Alexander had to fight with 11 sportsmen from other universities of Russia to get his award. The greatest competition was made by the students of Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (Moscow) and Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture.

Our congratulations to Alexander on his successful performance at the competitions! We wish him new victories!

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