Оur university

The first "Recognition" award ceremony was held at VyatSU

  • 17 February 2021, 09:49
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3107
Among the winners and awardees were students and postgraduates who showed high results in research and social activities

There are especially significant dates in the history of Vyatka State University - February 12, 2021, undoubtedly, became one of them. On that day, the first ceremony of awarding the winners and prize-winners of the "Recognition of VyatSU" award took place, created to support students and graduate students who take an active part in the development of science and social life of the university, while studying on a paid basis.

Today the desire of young people to study at our university is very big; it surpasses the opportunities that the state provides by allocating budget places. A number of specialties are in great demand - the passing score is very high there. However, many are not stopped by that - students enter for a fee and study very successfully, while showing high results in research and social activities, and even working part-time. This position deserves respect - we want to celebrate the achievements of these students, thank them, express recognition, show concern. We are proud of you, you are part of our large university family! -

VyatSU rector Valentin Pugach addressed the participants of the ceremony.

Encouraging the best students through the establishment of the "Recognition" award became possible thanks to the activities of the VyatSU Development Fund, created a little over a year ago. VTB Bank, which has become a major contributor to the endowment fund, played an important role in the success of the project. Deputy VTB Bank Manager for the Kirov Region, Olga Grebenkova noted:

It is pleasant to know that the "Recognition" award was the result of joint work of VyatSU and VTB Bank. I hope that the endowment fund will grow exponentially, and the number of nominees will increase every year.

"Science and Innovation" - this nomination is consonant with the current year declared in Russia as the Year of Science and Technology. It took into account the publications of applicants for the prize in publications included in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, as well as in journals included in the RSCI database. The winners in this category were Dmitry Suntsov, a graduate student of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the Polytechnic Institute, and Vladislav Belozerov, a graduate student of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology. Dmitry is the author and co-author of scientific articles published in journals included in Web of Science, Scopus, VAK and RSCI. Vladislav is a co-author of scientific articles published in scientific journals included in the Web of Science and Scopus systems, the winner of the competition for the best projects of fundamental scientific research of young scientists in 2020.

The next nomination was "Youth Policy": it took into account the participation of the applicant in conducting socially significant activities of a social, cultural, human rights nature, organized by the university or with its participation, as well as in information support of socially significant events, the public life of the university. The victory in this nomination was awarded to Maxim Kopylov (Institute of Economics and Management, Faculty of Management and Service) and Ilya Bannikov (Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Philology and Media Communications). Maxim manages the headquarters of student teams at VyatSU, is a prize-winner of the All-Russian competition among student teams of the power grid complex in 2019, a member of the organizing committee for the social action "Snow Troopers - 2021". Ilya is the winner of the All-Russian competition of youth projects among individuals in 2019, a participant in the All-Russian and international stages of the Student Spring festival in 2019, a member of the SOCO Media Center School grant team in the field of information lighting.

Not only the winners were awarded diplomas and prizes - the prize-winners were also noted. Each of them also has many outstanding achievements. Tatyana Timkina (IEM), Maxim Bortnikov (IEM), Artem Zvorygin (IGSN), Mikhail Kyzyurov (IEM), Alexander Korepanov (IGSN), Anna-Anastasia Misterova (IBBT), Vasily Odyakov ( InChemEk), Alexey Tarakanov (Polytech). In the field of youth policy, the winners included Maria Vlasova (YI), Daria Aksyonova (IGSN), Rafik Huseynadze (IEM), Elizaveta Kuligina (IGSN), Kirill Loginov (YI), Kirill Matushkin (YuI), Anastasia Rylova (IEM).

The winners and awardees of the "Recognition" award were warmly congratulated by the leaders of Vyatka State University, teachers and students, representatives of VTB Bank, artists of the "Territory of MAGIC MOVE Dances" collective.

The first Recognition Awards ceremony is over, but this is just the beginning. Dare, students and postgraduate students of VyatSU, you are talented and capable of a lot - the university will certainly notice your achievements and express recognition!

Read in Russian
