Оur university

VyatSU “Student Spring” stars flashed at the All-Russian and international competitions

  • 13 June 2019, 08:06
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5598

Amateur artists won several awards at the All-Russian festival in Perm and successfully performed at the “Student Spring Festival of the BRICS and SCO countries”.

For many decades, “Student Spring Festival” is one of the favorite traditions of Russian universities, each year gathering full halls of spectators and lighting new stars in the sky of youth creativity.

In the middle of May, the winners of VyatSU “Student Spring Festival” of this year visited the 27th All-Russian festival “Russian Student Spring-2019” in Perm. The delegation of the flagship university under the leadership of the head of the VyatSU student club Dmitry Isupov presented not only the university, but also the region, becoming a participant in the competitive program in various categories.

The jury of the festival, which included recognized masters of various genres, appreciated the high level of the acts shown by artists of VyatSU.

In the category “Original genre”, the special prize of the jury was awarded to the magistrand of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sport Anatoly Zaitsev, who demonstrated the skill of basketball freestyle in the concert act “LOOT”.

 The special prize was also awarded to the performers of the act “About Everything and Nothing”, shown in the nomination “Pop miniatures”.

 A storm of applause was caused by the dance “I want” by Svetlana Klepikova and Sofia Gordeeva, students of the Faculty of History, Political Science and Cultural Studies. Representatives of the Institute of Humanitarian and Social Sciences of the VyatSU became the laureates of the II degree of the All-Russian “Student Spring Festival”.

Now the girls are on their way again: they are returning from Stavropol from the international festival “Student Spring of the BRICS and SCO countries”, where they once again showed the talent, having won the hearts of the audience.

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