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VyatSU students became the winners of the "Student Spring - 2023"

  • 28 April 2023, 12:26
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2291
VyatSU students became the winners of the "Student Spring - 2023"

The Vyatka Philharmonic held a gala concert of the regional festival of student creativity "Student Spring - 2023". Students of Kirov universities demonstrated their skills in a variety of creative areas: fashion, vocals, original genre, choreography, journalism and others.

- "Student Spring" is not just a bright cultural event, it is a huge space of young creative energy, where everyone can discover new horizons and achieve success thanks to their talents and abilities. Indifference, activity, the desire for self-realization are the qualities that are necessary for the development and achievement of goals. Let the festival become a creative workshop and a starting point for revealing your talents, - said Georgy Barminov.



According to the results of the performances, the winners of the Studvesna-2023 diplomas among students and staff of Vyatka State University are:

  • The MELON team with the MELON SAFARI fashion collection,
  • Mikhail Ozhegov and Maria Zhukova with the artistic word "Let go",
  • Andrey Sterlyagov with a video report "Bards"
  • The D'Soul team in the nomination "Modern choreography: duet"
  • Number "Ghost" in the nomination "Modern choreography: small form"
  • Ensemble "SOUND" with the musical number "Vyun over the water"
  • Yulia Yurlova with the number "Toxic".


The Grand Prix in the category "Original genre" was awarded to:

  • Kirill Golovnin and Vlada Vagina with the number "Gift"
  • Number "Other" in the theatrical direction
  • dance number "NEVER" in the dance direction
  • Marina Goryachykh with the author's song "Balalaika."


The winners will present their creativity at the XXXI All-Russian Festival of Student Creativity "Student Spring - 2023", which will be held in Perm from May 26 to June 1 under the slogan "Everything in its own way." It will be attended by student creative teams from all subjects of the Russian Federation.

We add that the organizers of the regional stage of the festival "Russian Student Spring" are the regional branch of the "Russian Union of Youth", the Ministry of Youth Policy of the Kirov Region, the regional Palace of Youth.


Translated by Artemy Sizov


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