Оur university

Students VyatSU – the leaders of the student movement «For quality education»

  • 29 September 2016, 14:18
  • Author: admin
  • Views 8110

Cross-regional Students’ Forum on Educational Quality took place in Chuvash State University on September 23-25th. The forum brought together representatives of 32 universities from 19 regions of Russia.

The forum was held within the framework of the Program of development of student associations' activities, with support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and in cooperation with the Commission on education quality and All- Russian public organization "For Qualitative Education".

Vyatka State University was represented by two 4-year students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology: Anna Ivanova  and Ekaterina Bogdanova.

According to international experts the projects presented by the future VyatSU teachers appeared to be among the best ones. The students raised problems of higher education quality improvement (with examples of VyatSU).

The forum provided an extensive educational and cultural program. The educational part included the following modules: legal foundation of education, main directions of the education system development, the students’ participation in education quality improvement, and project activity. These educational modules were presented in the form of lectures, training-seminars and studying cases.


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