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An authoritative scientific publishing house has published articles by economists from Vyatka State University

  • 22 October 2020, 11:36
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2687

The research of scientists Nadezhda Savelyeva and Anastasia Sozinova was carried out in cooperation with colleagues from other Russian universities - cooperation with them continues

In October, Elsevier, one of the largest academic publishing houses in the world, released the collection of scientific articles “Advances in Mathematics for Industry 4.0”, edited by Mangey Ram, Professor of Graphic Era University (India).

The 420-page edition is devoted to the study of the mass adoption of cyber-physical systems in production (industry 4.0). The book reflects the latest knowledge in the field of engineering design and manufacturing technology, offers a systematic and comprehensive overview of the key drivers of rapid economic development. The authors also explore big data management in information processing and decision support, including mathematical methods and optimization techniques for working with large amounts of data over short periods.

The articles are written by academics, leading industry experts from around the world. Among them are representatives of the Institute of Economics and Management of VyatSU, Nadezhda Savelyeva (Candidate of economic sciences) and Anastasia Sozinova (Candidate of economic sciences). They became the authors of publications together with colleagues from the Higher School of Economics, Togliatti State University, Volgograd Technical University, Volgograd State Agricultural University and the Institute of Scientific Communications (Volgograd).

The article “Infrastructural provision and organization of production on the basis of the Internet of things” by Alexey Bogoviz, Anastasia Kurilova, Tatyana Kozhanova, Nadezhda Savelyeva, Larisa Melikova is devoted to defining the essence and characteristics of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, its infrastructure support.

The study of artificial intelligence as the basis for the production of the future became the topic of the article “Artificial intelligence as the core of production of future: machine learning and intellectual decision supports” written by Alexey Bogoviz, Anastasia Kurilova, Tatyana Kozhanova, Anastasia Sozinova.

As the economists of VyatSU explained, collective scientific creativity became possible thanks to the constant cooperation of the Institute of Economics and Management of the largest university in the Kirov region with the Institute of Scientific Communications and its president, Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena Gennadievna Popkova.

In particular, in September of this year, we jointly won a competition for the right to conclude a contract for performing research work for official use by the Eurasian Economic Commission on the topic: “Development of a mechanism for introducing and extending temporary state price regulation (national level) and criteria for assessing the impact of temporary state price regulation on the state of competition in the commodity markets of the member States of the Eurasian economic Union”, - said Nadezhda Savelyeva, the Director of the Institute of Economics and management of VyatSU.


Translated by Anna Dedjuhina


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