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Dmitry Chernyshenko noted the inventions of Kirov students

  • 28 August 2022, 09:23
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2604

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia got acquainted with the innovative projects of Vyatka State University

During a working visit to the Kirov Region, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, curator of the Volga Federal District Dmitry Chernyshenko met with students of Vyatka State University, who in 2022 became the winners of the all-Russian Student Startup competition.

University graduate students Ilya Basharin and Mikhail Vokhmyanin presented their innovative developments to the Deputy Prime Minister - an anti-slip spray for shoes, which has already received the name "Neskolzin", and a reflective spray to improve pedestrian safety.

Ilya Basharin said that "Neskolzin" is a universal anti-slip agent for the whole family. A special spray is placed in a can, it is easy to apply it to the sole of the shoe, after which the pedestrian should no longer be afraid of ice. While the reflective spray developed by Mikhail Vokhmyanin is applied to clothing and increases the visibility of pedestrians and cyclists for drivers at night on the road. At the same time, the spray is invisible during the day and does not change the appearance and texture of clothing.

Both graduate students received grants - one million rubles each - for the further implementation and integration of their projects. The received grant will allow the guys to carry out work to improve the product formulation, organize large-scale testing, launch small-scale production, and then start selling.

Dmitry Chernyshenko praised the graduate students for their inventive skills and commitment to scientific development.

“These projects are attractive because they are about the safety of pedestrians, and especially children at night. I would like to note that the projects are built in the format of creating a complete technological chain - from the development of an idea at the university to joint production by the university itself and the student team. I wish the guys success and hope that their products will enter the market and benefit people, —

said Dmitry Chernyshenko.

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