Оur university

Food Biotechnology in VyatSU: we work for the region development

  • 1 November 2016, 09:37
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4906

One of the priority directions of agro-industrial development of Kirov region is production and processing of milk, traditionally.

Improving the industry involves introduction of innovations - new products, technologies, methods of packaging and many others.

The Competence Center that is able to meet the needs of the region in new formulations is Vyatka State University.

"Design and technological laboratory of food and biotechnological processes" has been created at the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology (VyatSU) in August 2016 for the effective introduction of scientific development into production.

The main aim of laboratory is to develop innovative equipment and technological solutions for the food and biotechnology production.

Students of a study program "Food Biotechnology" of "Biotechnology" actively participate in the work of the laboratory.

In October 2016 the first laboratory results were presented: VyatSU installed its stand at the 21st International Exhibition "Equipment, Machinery and Ingredients for the Food Processing Industry"-"Agroprodmash-2016." The exhibition was developed in Food Exhibitions Division of the capital Expocentre and gathered 700 representatives from 34 countries.

VyatSU presented a unit with an autonomous system of thermagent used for dairy products production: dietary, medical and preventive, functional, including children and gerodietic food for low-power plants.

Svetlana Zavalina (the 4th year student in Biotechnology) took an active part in the preparation of the presentation. She gave the visitors all the information regarding the benefits and opportunities offered by this technological solution.

The future plans of the laboratory are in several major projects on modernization of milk processing plants of the region.

The results of work of VyatSU new laboratory will be useful to Kirov citizens, as more high-quality and healthy food will appear on their tables.


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