Оur university

In universities - the federal program "Priority 2030" talked about women in science

  • 11 February 2022, 10:10
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1405

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is an opportunity to once again express admiration for young Russian women scientists who come to universities at the call of their hearts and remain in science, without them today it is impossible to imagine any scientific direction.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie was 37 years old when she received her first Nobel Prize in 1903. A young scientist from the Vyatka State University, Natalia Zhuykova, is only 30 years old, but she already has experimental work to create certain methodological conditions that allow the formation of communicative universal learning activities for younger students while mastering the norms of orthoepy. Natalia is sure that it is possible and necessary to teach children to communicate freely, without fear and psychological discomfort, while paying attention to how to do it - with the help of competent oral speech, correctly pronounced words.

“In the process of carrying out diagnostic work, it was revealed that younger students have pronunciation standards at a low and medium level. Therefore, it seemed to me important to deal specifically with the issues of forming the orthoepic competencies of students in grades 1-4, linking them with the broader problem of developing communicative universal educational actions in children, the ability to build a dialogue with adults and peers,” notes Natalia Zhuykova.

Young biophysicist of the Saratov National Research State University. N. G. Chernyshevsky Julia Svenskaya develops the topic of transdermal drug delivery. This scientific direction is led by the world-class university laboratory "Remotely Controlled Systems for Theranostics", established in 2014 under a federal mega-grant for leading scientists.

Julia completed internships at leading research centers in Germany, England, Italy, and now, as a young candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, she successfully manages her own scientific direction.

“We are focused on developing intra- and transdermal drug delivery systems. Three patents have already been received for new methods of treating dermatoses. Their use provides increased therapeutic efficacy by targeting drugs to hair follicles. I am sure that this will help to qualitatively improve the success of the treatment of dermatological diseases,” says Yulia Svenskaya.

In the asset of the head of the laboratory "Biotechnology of agricultural plants" of the Agrotechnological Institute of the Chechen State University. A. A. Kadyrova Eliza Sobralieva - Ph.D. thesis on "Biotechnological methods of rehabilitation and microclonal propagation of promising varieties of grapes and apple rootstocks", victory at the annual X All-Russian scientific and practical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students "Science and Youth" and love for creation.

“The greatest joy is to see blooming gardens in spring and baskets with harvest in autumn. The first practice made a great impression on me and could not but affect the choice of profession and scientific activity. And when the first scientific article was written in collaboration with my mentor and scientific curator - the head of the Department of Horticulture and Viticulture Diana Palaeva, I got the feeling that my work is also important and beneficial.

Therefore, I went to the magistracy, then entered the graduate school and continued my scientific research. Together with the professor of the Department of Horticulture and Viticulture, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Abdulmalik Batukaev, we have chosen a research topic that has a great practical focus,” says Eliza Sobralieva.

Eliza Sobralieva's scientific research is aimed at improving the health of microplants of fruit crops and grapes from viral diseases.

Head of the Department of Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin Anna Gneush comes from a rural area, a farm in the Vyselkovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. She consciously chose the profession of a technologist for the production and processing of agricultural products, and already in her second year she began scientific work.

“The very case when a student comes to the department and understands what he is really interested in: to conduct experiments, to systematize research data. After the fourth year, I won the competition of young scientists of the Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Krasnodar Territory, and I was invited as a laboratory assistant to the Department of Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Biophysics part-time. It was an insane achievement — when in the fifth year you go in a white coat and prepare reagents for classes,” says Anna Gneush about her path to science.

The practical part of the work, which she so dreamed of when entering the university, did not stand aside. In July 2017, under the leadership of Anna Gneush, the project “Production of soft cheese using lactulose and plant components” was implemented at the Sirius Educational Center.

Since his student years he has been engaged in scientific research and about. Head of the Department of Physics and Technology of Nanostructures and Materials of the North Caucasian Federal University Anna Ispiryan. Based on the results of Anna Ispiryan's research activities, more than 30 papers have been published, 12 of which have been published in top international scientific journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus. She is the author of six certificates of state registration of computer programs.

“I have always had a passion for science. And not only to physics and mathematics, but also to the exact sciences in general. Even in my student years, I began to go to the laboratory and engage in scientific activities,” says Anna Ispiryan.

A group of scientists from the National Research Technological University (NUST) MISiS has developed a ceramic material with the highest melting point among all currently known compounds. Due to the unique combination of physical, mechanical and thermal properties, the material is promising for use in the most heat-loaded components of aircraft - nose cones, jet engines and sharp leading edges of wings operating at temperatures above 2000 °C.

Together with colleagues, Veronika Suvorova, an engineer at the Research Center for Structural Ceramic Nanomaterials at NUST MISIS, was involved in the development of the most heat-resistant material.

“Until now, many women scientists are faced with the so-called Matilda effect, that is, the denial of their contribution to science. To break this stereotype, I take part in various scientific competitions and bring victories to our university, actively develop materials for space, and also participate in the popularization of science,” says Veronika Suvorova about the women's path to big science.

Elena Badina from the Russian University of Transport (RUT MIIT) is not yet 30 years old, but she has already managed to surprise the world with her developments. Elena is an associate professor at the Department of Computer-Aided Design, she teaches computer modeling, bridge and pipe design, manages bachelor's and master's degree projects, and actively participates in the development of new educational materials for the disciplines she teaches.

And Elena has scientific support for the construction of one of the northernmost Russian railways in the Arctic zone - the Nadym - Pangody line.

Researcher at the Center for Immunology and Cellular Biotechnologies of the IKBFU I. Kanta, PhD, immunologist Kristina Yurova is engaged in osteoimmunology, studies the features of intercellular interactions of immune system cells, as well as mesenchymal stem cells in bone tissue. She began her scientific research in her third year, when she did an internship at the University Hospital Clinics in the Department of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, investigating the effects of new contrast agents in MRI.

“Science is a very promising area that contributes to the multifaceted development of the individual, meeting very interesting people and expanding one's own horizons. I do not know of other areas where you can develop your potential as much as in scientific activity. In addition, this is a very creative profession, where success and realization depend only on the person himself, ”Kristina Yurova is sure.

Now, together with her colleagues, the young scientist is actively engaged in research on the features of bone tissue restoration after complex fractures, in which osteosynthesis operations are used.

“The goal of our work is to identify the conditions under which bone tissue healing will be as successful as possible. This will not only improve the standard of living of patients with complex fractures, including elderly patients, allowing them to recover as soon as possible, but will also reduce the risk of disability, and hence the burden on the country's economy,” says Yurova.
