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Lesson of scientific correctness by Ivan Zassoursky in the project "Lectures at the Polytechnic"

  • 15 December 2016, 00:52
  • Author: admin
  • Views 7796

On December 9th Ivan Zassoursky, a well-known Russian journalist and philologist, the head of the Department of New Media and Communications Theory Studies in the School of Journalism at Lomonosov’s Moscow State University delivered a lecture “Scientific communication in open access in a new media era" within the project "Lectures at the Polytechnic".

The lecture produced a strong impression, as a lot of topical issues were discussed there. In terms of content it was integrated into the concept of Media and Advertising Festival "Vyatka-Creative" and was understood as some kind of the culmination of the event.

The lecture touched upon the problems of scientific communication in the higher education system, their impact on the reputational culture of scientists, researchers, teachers, students.

-          I feel the pain familiar to all Russian teachers, - the guest began his lecture. - This pain is an endless struggle against plagiarism. Plagiarism is spread in contemporary student’s essays, course and graduate works. The student must learn to think independently. The less we write or read, the more we get into the space of myth that this is a one-sided, simplified world. People in such a society can be controlled, and they perceive only black and white colors. And they definitely must not run the state.

In addition to regular listeners from local citizens, a lot of students attended the lecture. Hopefully, they have learnt the lesson of scientific correctness from the famous journalist and philologist.


Read in Russian
