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New success of VyatSU scientific school “Function algebra and the theory of semirings"

  • 14 January 2017, 17:49
  • Author: admin
  • Views 7258

Nadezhda Shalaginova, a researcher of VyatSU Department of Fundamental and computer mathematics, an assistant at the Department of Fundamental informatics and applied mathematics defended the candidate’s dissertation at the end of 2016 in Kazan (Volga) Federal University.

The topic of the dissertation was "Semirings ​​of continuous functions with values on expanded numerical ray". The work was completed under the guidance of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of Fundamental and computer mathematics Eugene Mikhaylovich Vechtomov, who is also the head of VyatSU scientific school "Function algebra and the theory of semirings". This is the 14th Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences he had prepared.

The dissertation is on solving critical issues of functional algebra. According to experts, the results begin research studies for semirings with values ​​in numeric semirings with an "infinity" element added.

Professor Vechtomov’s Department for 20 years already has been actively cooperating with the Department of Algebra and Mathematical Logic from Kazan University, which is headed by the famous logician and algebraist Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan M.M. Arslanov. He is the head of the Dissertation Council and it is the fifth successful defence of the candidate’s degree of Vechtomov’s students under his guidance.

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