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Pirelli is interested in the developments of scientists from Vyatka State University

  • 22 May 2013, 10:17
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1163
Vyatka State University and the Silvio Tronchetti Provera Foundation will sum up the first results of joint work

July 26 at 13-30 in room. 311 in the main building of Vyatka State University (36 Moskovskaya St.) a working meeting between Lucio Pinto, Managing Director of the Silvio Tronchetti Provera Foundation, and the management and research group of the university, conducting research work on behalf of the Foundation, will take place.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the progress of joint research aimed at improving the dynamic properties of rubber, producing compounds that can withstand harsh climatic conditions, improving the environmental safety of rubber and the use of new ingredients. The agreement on joint research was signed on September 25, 2012.

Almost all employees of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Elastomer Processing of Vyatka State University took part in the project (S.V. Fomin – project leader, G.A. Khlebov, I.B. Shilov, R.L. Vesnin, E.S. Shirokova, D. A. Kozulin, A.A. Burkov). A significant part of the work was carried out by students of the Faculty of Chemistry of Vyatka State University: Svetlana Shekunova, Yulia Luchnikova, Natalya Bolyubash and Natalya Trukhina.

In the course of the work, studies were carried out aimed at studying the causes leading to the intensive destruction of rubber at low temperatures; expanded scientific understanding of the mechanisms of destruction of rubber; researched new components of rubber compounds, characterized by greater environmental safety; proposed approaches to improve the durability and environmental friendliness of tires. During the research, modern equipment of the Scientific and Educational Centers of Vyatka State University was used: "Polymer Materials" and "Nanotechnologies".

Based on the results of the work performed, the students defended their final qualification works. The papers were presented in Russian and English. All students received excellent marks. The work of the attestation commission was attended by representatives of Pirelli - Alexey Sorokozherdyev, chairman of the SAC Vyatka State University for polymer specialties, and head of R&DPirelli in Russia David Kiroski. Colleagues noted the high level of organization and implementation of research, the practical significance and scientific novelty of the work.

Pirelli has expressed interest in using the results of research in the production of tires at factories in Kirov and Voronezh. Successful implementation of the project can become the basis for further fruitful cooperation between Vyatka State University and the Silvio Tronchetti Provera Foundation.

For reference: The Silvio Tronchetti Provera Foundation was established in 2001. The main objectives of its existence are: to promote the development of fundamental and applied research in the field of economics, science, technology and management in Italy and throughout the world; support and training of young talents in these areas. With the support of the Foundation, work has been carried out in the field of nanotechnology and new materials, tires and their production, energy and the environment, information technology, and biology.

Since the founding of the Foundation, more than 200 scholarships and research grants have been awarded. Among them, 105 doctoral scholarships, 85 research grants, 12 grants to return to Italy, 4 patents. With the support of the Foundation, world scientific conferences are held, scientific papers are published in various fields.


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