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Regional scientific-practical conference on implementation of learning standards to ensure quality of natural-scientific and geographic education takes place in VyatSU

  • 24 January 2017, 12:25
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4004

Having been held since 1973 the Conference has become the 44th one and has brought together about 200 participants.

Last Friday in the Basic University there was held the 44th Regional Scientific Conference named "Implementation of the Federal State educational standards to ensure quality of natural-scientific and geographic education" with participation of Kirov and Kirov region teachers of biology, geography, chemistry, regional Ministry of Education, VyatSU teachers of chemistry and ecology, biology and biotechnology.

The main purpose of the conference is to bring together the scientists of Vyatka State University and the Institute of Education Development of Kirov region, teachers of secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, as well as teachers of additional school education to understand the requirements of the Federal state educational standards in teaching natural science subjects, to solve problems of education quality management and final certification of students.

The participants of the conference were greeted by the director of VyatSU Institute of Chemistry and Ecology, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor Sergey Valeryevich Fomin and the Deputy Director of the Institute Candidate of Chemical Sciences Denis Anatolyevich Kozulin.

During the plenary session the participants made scientific reports characterized by theoretical depth and at the same time practically oriented.

Great interest was aroused by an open lecture on "Environmental problems of our time: myths and reality (on example of Russia and China)" read by Professor from the Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexander Anatolyevich Shirokikh.

After lunch the Conference continued in a "round table" format.

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