Оur university

Scientists of VyatSU are looking for new approaches in antibacterial therapy

  • 30 September 2021, 16:49
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2842

 The university examines intermolecular interactions using two main methods of power spectroscopy

Every year tens of millions of cases of acute intestinal infections are registered in the world, which even in the era of antibiotics remain a serious threat to the health and life of people. One of their pathogens is the Bacterium Yersinia Pseudotuberculosis, which causes pseudotuberculosis - a disease that manifests predominantly in an inflammation of lesions of the small intestine and the lymphatic system. Most often, this illness is contracted in countries with a cool climate (Canada, Scandinavia countries, Japan, the Far East of Russia). This is due to the physiological features of the microbe, including with its ability to exist and multiply at low positive ambient temperatures.

The main problem for modern medicine in the treatment of such infectious diseases was primarily antibiotic resistance - the stability of the microorganism to the antimicrobial drugs. Every year, it leads to complications of treatment techniques.

The young scientists of VyatSU Ilya Konyshev and Vladislav Belozyorov. They explore intermolecular interactions using two main methods of power spectroscopy, in particular, atomic force microscopy and optical traps. These methods allow research interaction mechanisms "microbial cell - eukaryotic cell" on cellular, sub-cellular and molecular levels. They are necessary for the development of new approaches in antibacterial therapy and the prevention of bacterial infections based on inhibiting primary adhesion.

    Indeed, antibiotic resistancy is a big challenge for modern medicine and the scientific community. But not only bacteria pose a threat to the human body. Medicine knows how to deal with bacteria, even if they continue to adapt to treatment techniques. But if you talk, for example, about viruses, then reliable methods against most of them do not exist. One day, humanity may come to the point where we will not have effective methods even against bacteria. The most effective method of struggle in this case are prevention measures, in particular vaccination and strengthening immunity,

- tells Vladislav Belozyorov.

In the laboratory of physiology of microorganisms of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology, young scientists study how the pathogen interacts with the body and determine the force of such interaction. The ability to influence this force opens ways to develop preventive preparations, the main action method of which is to reduce the adhesion of the pathogen, which can reduce the likelihood of infection.

Studies were supported by grants from the Russian Fundamental Research Fund for graduate students and young scientists.

We remind you that in the framework of the Year of Science and Technologies September is dedicated to the topic "Genetics and Quality of Life".

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