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Tatiana Kutyavina, a young scientist of VyatSU, once again won a grant from the President of the Russian Federation

  • 26 December 2020, 13:06
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3886

The researcher's project is dedicated to the development and implementation of a system for assessing and forecasting the ecological state and productivity of freshwater reservoirs based on geoinformation and other digital technologies
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Council on Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for State Support of Young Russian Scientists have summed up the results of competitions for grants for 2021-2022.

Among the winners of the competitive selection for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young scientists-candidates of sciences in the field of "Sciences of Earth and Environments" was Tatiana Kutyavina, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Biomonitoring Research Laboratory of VyatSU and the Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Center UB RAS. She presented the project "Development and implementation of a system for assessing and forecasting the ecological state and productivity of freshwater reservoirs based on geoinformation and other digital technologies."

The study is devoted to solving the problem of anthropogenic eutrophication as the most important factor in the negative impact of human activity on the productivity and ecological state of water bodies.

Tatyana Kutyavina, under the scientific guidance of Professor Tamara Ashikhmina, had already become the owner of the President's grant before. This research is related to the development of the topic of Ph.D. thesis, defended by Tatyana Igorevna in 2017.

"I would like to thank the teachers of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Management, and, of course, I would like to address some words of gratitude to my scientific advisor Tamara Yakovlevna Ashikhmina for all-round help and support!" - shared Tatyana Igorevna Kutyavina.

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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