Оur university

The “Golden Fund of the Russian Geographical Society” are presented at VyatSU

  • 27 January 2019, 13:57
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4134

An exhibition of the Kirov Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society works at the Flagship University.

January 18, the day of the 46th regional scientific-practical conference of teachers of biology, geography, chemistry and ecology of educational institutions of the city of Kirov and the Kirov region, in the lobby of the 3rd floor of the educational building № 15 (Kirov, Lenin str., 198) the exhibition of the “Golden Fund of the Russian Geographical Society” began its work.

At the end of last year, the Vyatka state University and the Russian Geographical Society signed an agreement on cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian sphere. This provided an opportunity to get acquainted with the unique archival materials collected by local geographers and travelers.

The materials reflect the results of numerous land and sea expeditionary studies of unknown or poorly studied regions of Russia and the world for more than 170 years of history of the RGS.

We are talking about tens of thousands of invaluable documents, including maps, reports, drawings, travel routes, graphics, diagrams, photographs, paintings, full-scale exhibits. All of them are carefully stored in the RGS and thanks to the hard work of the museum’s staff on their digitization all exhibits are now available to the public.

Students, staff and guests of VyatSU can join the unique geographical heritage in the course of acquaintance with the exposition, which began work in the walls of the Flagship University.

The chairman of the Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Professor of the Department of Geography and Teaching Methods of Geography of the VyatSU, who opened the exhibition, recalled some pages of the history of geographical and ethnographic research of little known at the second half of the 19th century areas of Central and Southeast Asia, Northern and Southern Siberia, the Far East, Mongolia, Ural and European Russia.

He emphasized the outstanding role of such scientists-travelers as P.P. Semenov, N.M. Przhevalsky, G.N. Potanin, Groom-Grzhimailo brothers, who erased white spots from maps of marginal Russian and foreign territories.

Alexey Mikhailovich also commented on the geopolitical situation of that distant time on the southern underbelly of the Russian Empire, where the interests of Russia and the British Empire collided. This information aroused great interest, as well as rare photographs depicting the life of northern peoples, which were included in the number of unique exhibits of the exhibition.

The exhibition “Golden Fund of the Russian Geographical Society” will continue to work until the end of January.

Read in Russian
