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The International Spring Congress of the University Consortium of Big Data Researchers completed its work at Vyatka State University

  • 26 May 2022, 17:56
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1911

Participants shared their impressions of the event, spoke about its most important results

Last week, the largest university in the Kirov region received guests from various regions of Russia and from abroad: they took part in the International Spring Congress of the University Consortium of Big Data Researchers.

- The Congress is our traditional event that brings together members of the University Consortium from Arkhangelsk to Vladivostok. We need to get together and see each other, communicating directly. Here we are negotiating with industrial partners, attracting new ones for cooperation, showing students an example of what can be done today with the help of big data, - said the Chairman of the Board of the Association "University Consortium of Big Data Researchers" Mikhail Myagkov.

Within two days, network projects of the Consortium, plans for its development within the framework of solving the strategic tasks of the state program "Priority - 2030" were presented; presentations of the catalog of domestic solutions for the field of education and the project "University National Initiative for the Quality of Education" were held; panel discussions, round tables, pitch sessions, visionary lectures were held. The discussion focused on new technological solutions in the context of import substitution, data-based labor market monitoring, digital solutions for organizing the educational process, big data in relation to the analysis of the educational success of Russian university students. Important components of the event program were the "School of Applied Big Data Analysis" and the international scientific conference "Big Data and the Problems of Society-2030".


At the end of the congress, the participants shared their impressions and spoke about the main results of the major event.

- Draws attention to the composition of the participants. Here, not only the university environment and the public, but also industrial partners - enterprises that really work in the IT market and face challenges associated with the need to solve the problems of import substitution and training. The interaction between the university and business is very productive. Business provides its opportunities and resources, the university uses them - and not only for research purposes, but also for the implementation of socially significant tasks and projects. I would also like to say about the significance of the “School of Applied Big Data Analysis”, held within the framework of the congress. This is a very successful step on the part of the organizers: after all, there was not only the transfer of accumulated knowledge and skills, their testing in activities through the development of real research projects and tasks. It is important that the participants of the project teams assembled at Vyatka State University, on the one hand, received powerful facilitation from the moderators; on the other hand, a unique expertise in the promotion and unpacking of project ideas up to the formulation of the image of specific products" - these notes were made by Vitaly Kashpur, head of the Department of Sociology, Tomsk State University.

One of the most important industrial partners of the event was the Center for the Study and Network Monitoring of the Youth Environment. Ilakai Romero Reyes, Head of the Department of Cyberpsychology and Applied Data Analysis, ANO CISM, left her feedback:

- It's great that there is a union of the university and business here. The university sees what areas are of interest to business today, and can transform its training programs in accordance with this. It is also very nice to see the presence of vectors related to eSports. It is important that there is an opportunity to find new applications for algorithms in a world that is understandable to young people.

Professor of the Department of Journalism and Integrated Communications of Vyatka State University Elena Diner noted:

- The Congress was an absolutely grandiose event. In fact, the whole country is represented here, all the strongest schools that deal not only with big data, but also with programming, linguistic data analysis, text corpus analysis, and so on. All these are topical, most interesting directions.

Margarita Dosymova, Head of the Digitalization Department of Educational Pathways at Altai State University, said:

    - Learned a lot of new things here. I realized that it is necessary to build your work in a centralized manner with big data at the university. Ideas appeared, I met colleagues who can help in the implementation of these ideas. The discussion of software products for import substitution became very significant.

The results were summed up by the vice-rector for development based on the analysis of data from Vyatka State University Ekaterina Mityagina. She emphasized:

- The team of Vyatka State University performed very well at all stages of the congress. Our work was highly appreciated by experts, we received a large number of proposals for cooperation. The geography of these proposals is wide, it is not only about cooperation with universities, but also with industrial partners. All this indicates that the university is moving in the right direction. I am glad that we were able to organize an event of this magnitude at a high level. The congress participants really spent their time here with great benefit, they talked a lot, including on the sidelines. It was exactly thematic communication, talks about plans, projects, ideas. We managed to offer an excellent cultural program using a fascinating interactive format - through which the guests learned a lot of interesting things about the sights of the region.


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