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Vyatka State University to become a partner of Kirov Region Government in creation of the concept of single-industry towns

  • 26 June 2017, 09:01
  • Author: admin
  • Views 6519

On June 26 in the Government of Kirov region an Agreement on interaction between Vyatka State University and the Ministry of Development of Entrepreneurship, Trade and External Relations of Kirov Region was signed. The Agreement is aimed at comprehensive cooperation in building up a concept for the development of single-industry towns and projects aimed at diversifying the economy, increasing investments, developing urban environment and infrastructure of the mono-territories of Kirov region.

Scientific potential of Vyatka State University will be used to implement existing projects and develop new ones within the framework of the Agreement.

As of today the following projects have been developing in Kirov region: "Ideas’ Fair - a city of the future", "Development of an interactive map (business navigator) of Kirov region mono-cities", "Buying local goods", "Development of the innovative structure of Kirov region", "Formation of infrastructure to support minor business".

Using its scientific potential Vyatka State University will study the possibilities of organizing import-substituting enterprises in mono-cities, of opening small innovative enterprises of the University in mono-cities, as well as possibilities to develop and participate in implementation of municipal programs for improvement of single-industry towns of Kirov region for 2018-2022.

"We realize our current socio-economic situation in the region", the Rector of Vyatka State University Valentin Pugach says. "It is not easy, but there is a number of promising directions that the Governor has pointed out. We would like to offer our support and services in solving some issues, in development of projects and their implementation into the social and economic sphere of our region. One of key directions, painful, on the one hand, but very important is creation of a strategy for the development of single-industry towns".

A project for construction, reconstruction, repairing of social and infrastructure facilities, including transport ones are planned within the framework of the Agreement. In addition, Vyatka State University will participate in preparation of brief business cases on empty business areas, import-substituting industries and will assist in applying them to an interactive map.

Also Vyatka State University will join preparing the documents on strategic development and increasing the investment attractiveness of single-industry towns of Kirov region.

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