Оur university

VyatSU Pedagogical Institute’s students presented the results of their research

  • 29 April 2016, 14:35
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3658

28 April. 4th All-Russia Student science-and-practice conference (21st Century Pedagogics and Psychology: now and trends) took place the Department of Pedagogics and Psychology (VyatSU, Pedagogics Institute)

Not only students of the Fundamental University took part in the event, but also students of other HE institutions of Kirov, Tomsk, Khabarovsk, Kemerovo, and Riga (Latvia).

The presented reports covered such important pedagogical matters as: building social competence in residence-school teenagers, through-video-cases empathy development in teenagers, improvements to modern physics classes through empiric analysis of teachers’ contest materials, etc.

Such workshops as “Interactive means of sensory room  for school anxiety prevention”, “Elective course for high school students “Entertaining Psychology” and the workshops on the themes “Technologies of failure” and “Store of desires” continued the conference work.

The forum participants noted that the acquired knowledge and experience will be useful in the process of students’ scientific research as well as in their future careers.
