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VyatSU postgraduate students hold the annual XIth scientific research expedition

  • 21 June 2017, 12:51
  • Author: admin
  • Views 6485

On June 13-18, 2017 the XIth annual research expedition of postgraduate students from VyatSU Department of technology and design took place in Slobodskoy district of Kirov region. The purpose of the expedition was to identify objects of monumental and decorative religious art of Vyatka. The postgraduate students carried out this research within the framework of their candidate’s dissertations preparation. Collected and processed materials will be included into various journals’ articles, editions of the Collection of monuments of architecture, town planning and monumental art, catalogs and guidebooks for educational and tourist programs and routes across Kirov region.

The expedition of postgraduate students Daniel Pogodin, Elena Elpasheva and Darina Cherezova was headed by Doctor of Arts, Professor from Department of technology and design Natalia Victorovna Krivosheina.

Finally 18 items of architectural and artistic heritage of Vyatka of XVII–XX centuries have been studied; the whole route was about 465 km in total.


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