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VyatSU scientists presented their research results at the international symposium on woodworking

  • 14 October 2020, 10:00
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3746
The scientific reports of Olga Rubleva and Natalia Tarbeeva, dedicated to the problems of processing low liquidity wood, were highly appreciated by colleagues

In September, the XV International Eurasian Symposium "Woodworking: Technologies, Equipment, Management of the XXI Century" was held at the site of the Ural State Forestry University (Yekaterinburg). It became the key event of the congress part of the 'LESPROM-URAL Professional' exhibition - the largest event held with the active participation of the government of the Sverdlovsk region, the administration of Yekaterinburg, the Federal Forestry Agency, relevant ministries, departments, unions and associations of Russia, international partners and training companies.

The symposium is deservedly considered one of the most significant professional events, a unique discussion platform where scientists from Russia, Belarus, the Czech Republic, China and other countries discuss the most pressing problems of various branches of the timber industry complex and outline ways for its further development.

Participation in the symposium has become a good tradition for scientists from the VyatSU Polytechnic Institute. This year, a large scientific forum was attended by employees of the Department of Machines and Woodworking Technology: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Olga Rubleva and engineer, 1st year graduate student Natalya Tarbeeva.

Scientists of Vyatka State University presented their research results at the section "New technological solutions in the procurement, processing and finishing of wood", making reports on the technologies for processing low liquidity wood. "Comparative analysis of combined methods of decorative and hardening processing of wooden blanks" and "Methodology for determining the rational values ​​of the operating parameters of the process of end pressing of thorns" - both speeches caused a lively discussion among the symposium participants and high praise from colleagues.

The Department of Machines and Woodworking Technologies of Vyatka State University has already received an invitation to participate in the symposium - 2021 with reports on the continuation of current research.

Translated by Artemy Sizov

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