Оur university

VyatSU students have received gold medals in the II Regional Championship WorldSkills Russia of Kirov region

  • 18 February 2017, 17:26
  • Author: admin
  • Views 9615

On February 17 the II Regional Championship WorldSkills Russia of Kirov region summed up the final results. The winners received awards from the regional authorities.

More than 70 students of professional educational organizations and universities, as well as working specialists took part there and competed in 10 competencies.

Schoolchildren of the region also visited the specialized events on the stated competencies.

The schoolchildren took part in various competitions: "Engineering Graphics", "Multimedia Journalism", "Electronics", "Agricultural Machinery". They were held in a format of JuniorSkills (the program for early professional orientation and professional training bases).

Kirov region has become an official member of the WorldSkills Russia in October 2015. There was established a regional coordinating center representing the interests of WorldSkills Russia in the territory of Kirov region.

"Thanks to WorldSkills our region has begun personnel preparing on international standards, - Igor Vasiliev, the Acting Governor of Kirov region said,- We became official members of WorldSkills Russia a year and a half ago only, and today we are already holding the second regional championship. And we can see that the WorldSkills championships motivate young people to obtain professional education, to develop their professional competencies for growth and personal success, and it contributes to the consolidation of business, state and educational organizations’ resources in preparation of qualified specialists”.

The Head of the region noted that the world's standards of WorldSkills will soon become a part of the educational process in professional educational organizations, and new training standards have already been lining up with their basis. And a potential employer will ask an applicant first of all for his certificates of compliance with professional standards and not for his previous working experience.

Three VyatSU students have been awarded gold medals of the II Regional Championship WorldSkills Russia of Kirov region.

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