Оur university

XIV All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with international participation "Biodiagnostics of Natural and Technogenic Systems" is held at VyatSU

  • 1 December 2016, 20:01
  • Author: admin
  • Views 6849

The Conference is organized by Vyatka State University and Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Center (Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

The Conference is held within the University Development Strategy and is dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of Kirov region. The Conference brings together scientists and experts in ecology from 30 regions of Russia, as well as their colleagues from Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

Existing ecological challenges of various regions and negative impact on soil, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are planned to be discussed at one plenary and seven break-out sessions of the Conference.

Particular attention is to be paid to methodology of environmental evaluation and anthropogenic impact, adaptation of plants and animals to changing environmental conditions. The materials of the conference widely present the results of zoo-, phyto- and microbiological indicating and biological testing of natural environment in natural and technogenic systems. Also the results of biosafety food research are reflected there.

A competition of student’s research works of Kirov universities named "Nature, Economy and Ecology of Vyatka region" will be held within the Conference, as well as a photo exhibition dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of Kirov region named "Photo artists about Vyatka region".

The event is scheduled on December 5-8, 2016

Address: Lenin Street, 198, Kirov


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