Distance education in VyatSU is modern, comfortable, affordable, modern way to get first or second highest!
In 2016 VyatSU offers 25 areas of training. High quality and modern approaches to learning have already evaluated more than 3,000 of our students. Our teachers and Tutors regularly attend refresher courses to maintain the current level of their knowledge.
Case studies in all subjects of the curriculum
Educational portal VyatSU contains 396-researched case studies.
Personal tutor
In touch every day and always ready to help with all academic problems.
Convenient schedule
Schedule — interactive list of subjects for the next session with a system of references to case studies, forums, tests, control works and supplementary learning materials.
More than 570 video lectures and video archive of webinars
We are constantly updating our videolectures, and teachers coming up with new ways of presenting educational material.
The exams and tests online
No longer have to drive to session! Exams and tests can be taken at the training portal in the form of examinations, tests or webcam.
Private electronic gradebook
After each session, your personal tutor updates the student's record-book, and your grades are only visible to you and your tutor.
A "live" forum
In each discipline, the teachers lead a discussion and task forums, participation in which brings you training bonuses.
Regular chats and webinars on all subjects
For our students webinar — not an event, but a regular phenomenon. And for those who do not have time to attend webinars, we are in the video archive.