Education for foreigners

Preparing for Unified State Exam. Courses for schoolchildren

  • 16 August 2016, 14:34
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3240

Success in the USE and other opportunities

According to statistics the schoolchildren who studied additionally in classes or independently for at least four - five years have more chances to show good results at the USE. For them the exam is less stressful, and later on at the University these students face no difficulty at classes, as well as with preparation to semester’s exams; on the contrary they often receive additional opportunities to do a traineeship abroad.


Improving school performance

So an eighth-grade pupil attends the courses with pleasure and gradually improves his language skills, increases valuable knowledge; and finally he is fully prepared for the exam, not to mention his significant school performance.


Effective programs and the best teachers

Our Linguistic Centre provides effective studying programs from the best teachers of VyatSU Faculty of Linguistics. Training courses for the 8th and 9th school grades include all the USE tasks, and high school students find there some interesting preparation programs designed for 1 or 2 years.


How to become our student?

Becoming our student is easy - just perform a test and an interview with a teacher!


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