Education for foreigners

About Linguistic center

  • 17 August 2016, 19:09
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2918

- Qualified teachers

- Effective innovative studying programs

- Variety of teaching methods

- Modern technical equipment

- Thorough testing and individual approach

- Certificate of Courses Completion of a State University or an International Certificate (valid abroad)

- Various studying options

- Student’s books


Benefits of studying In Linguistic Center of VyatSU:


Qualified teachers

Your teachers are experienced professionals successfully passed international certification and constantly involved in advanced training courses.


Effective innovative studying programs

Specially designed practice-oriented studying courses let you achieve excellent results in a short period of time; you start applying gained knowledge from the first days of studying.


Variety of teaching methods

The Linguistic Centre students have been under the supervision of leading Cambridge ESOL and Pearson teaching specialists since the international accreditation of the center.


Modern technical equipment

Linguistic Center has got modern equipment to ensure high learning efficiency.


Thorough testing and individual approach

To enroll for courses you have to pass an interview and a test to choose an optimum studying program.


Certificate of Courses Completion of a State University or an international Certificate valid abroad

In addition to solid knowledge and excellent communication skills in foreign language that does not require any confirmation you will receive VyatSU Certificate, as well as an opportunity to pass an exam for Cambridge ESOL/ Pearson Certificate required by employers worldwide.


Special price

A special best price is available for you if you buy study textbooks and any fiction in foreign languages in the Linguistic Center. 


Various studying options

The studying program includes classes for:

- groups of 8-10 students (morning, afternoon and evening groups, as well as weekend groups);

- small groups of 3-5 students;

- individuals.

Duration and frequency of classes also varies depending on the students’ interest. All the classes are scheduled conveniently for students.

Groups are formed after an English test (testing is free of charge), strictly according to the level of your language proficiency. Children and adults always study separately.


Providing student’s books

You will use textbooks published by recognized foreign publishing leaders -LONGMAN Publishers, Oxford, Macmillan and others.


Read in Russian



Kirov, K.Marksa st., 77, office 203
Теl. 45-64-15
Kirov, Krasnoarmeyskaya st.,, 26, office 113
Тел. +7 (8332) 37-38-12