Education for foreigners

Modern problems of pedagogy and psychology

  • 25 April 2020, 15:40
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4942

On April 23, 2020, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Pedagogy and Psychology in the 21st Century: Current State and Research Trends” was held at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vyatka State University

The conference was held in remote format. Such non-traditional format of the conference interested more than 400 participants from 8 regions of Russia.

The event was opened by G. I. Simonova, the Director of the Pedagogical Institute of VyatSU, and A. I. Balog, the representative of the Kirov regional Organization of the trade Union of education. The first event of the conference was the plenary part, students, magistrands, graduate students of Vyatka State University, Mari State University, Northern Arctic Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov and young teachers of the city of Kirov presented the results of their scientific research. The baton of the active scientific discussion was adopted by 6 virtual scientific sites on social and pedagogical issues, psychological aspects in education, problems of inclusive learning, discussion of effective pedagogical technologies, presentation of project activities and the introduction of informatization in education.

Along with the students, the hosts of the conference, the students of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevsky (Arzamas branch), Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Moscow Pedagogical State University, young teachers of schools, kindergartens, colleges, additional educational organizations of Kirov and the Kirov region offered their scientific "highlights" for discussion.

The six-hour scientific marathon ended with a reflection of the participants in the free microphone format. The guests of the conference noted that the atmosphere of scientific discussion, the diversity and relevance of the topics discussed was felt throughout the conference. Summarizing the results of the conference, participants and organizers came to the conclusion that it is necessary and useful to conduct joint scientific and practical events that enrich the experience of students of Russian universities and young teachers, contribute to building a constructive dialogue and professional interaction between student and professional communities.

Following the results of the scientific event, a collection of materials of the VIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Pedagogy and Psychology in the XXI Century: Current State and Research Trends” will be published with indexing at the RSCI. All participants of the remote scientific event received certificate of the conference participant.

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