Education for foreigners

Preparatory Faculty of VyatSU

  • 16 November 2016, 19:43
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3523


Today, about 100 foreign students and students from 11 countries study in the Preparatory Faculty for basic and additional educational programs.

The main educational programs implemented by the faculty:


Duration of training

Graduate qualification

Cost of training,



45.04.01 Philology

profile "Russian as a foreign language"


2 years


master's degree




45.03.02 Linguistics

profile " Russian

and English

for foreign citizens"


4 years


bachelor's degree

98 557


45.03.02 Linguistics

profile "Chinese and English"


4 years

bachelor's degree

75 000


Additional educational programs implemented by the faculty:




Duration of training

Number of classroom hours               

Cost of training,




Russian as a foreign language

(2376 hours)


1 year

(October - September)


612 hours - Russian

468 hours -

specialized disciplines





Russian as a foreign language

(3117 hours)


1.5 years



912 hours - Russian

468 hours -

specialized disciplines




Additional General education program "Russian as a foreign language" (2376 hours)

The total labor intensity of the program is 2376 hours

The training program includes the following subjects:

          Practical Russian language course

          Business communication

          Introduction to the specialty language


Training is conducted in four profiles, depending on the choice of students:

-          Humanities (subjects studied: Russian language, history, social studies, literature)

-          Natural science (subjects studied: Russian language, biology, chemistry, physics)

-          Engineering (subjects studied: Russian language, physics, mathematics, computer science)

-          Economic (subjects studied: Russian language, mathematics, social studies, computer science)

Term of theoretical training:

1st semester from October 01 to December 29

2d semester from January 13 to June 28.

The cost of training in the 2019/20 academic year is 78,000 (seventy-eight thousand) rubles per academic year with a training load of 1,080 hours. Of these, 612 hours are allocated to study the Russian language and 468 hours are allocated to specialized subjects.

During the academic year, evenings, educational and cultural excursions, and Olympiads in subjects are held.

At the disposal of foreign students-a library, a sports complex.

Foreign students are provided with a place in the University campus.



The price includes only training. Accommodation costs, medical insurance, and government taxes related to registration, renewal, and visa processing are not included and must be paid additionally.

Accommodation in the campus is paid separately, the cost of living for 1 (one) month is 600 rubles.

Medical insurance – 3,200 rubles

State fee for visa processing – 1600 rubles


Additional General education program "Russian as a foreign language" (3117 hours)

The total labor intensity of the program is 3117 hours

The training program includes the following subjects:

          Practical Russian language course

          Business communication

          Introduction to the specialty language


Training is conducted in four profiles, depending on the choice of students:

-              Humanities (subjects studied: Russian language, history, social studies, literature)

-              Natural science (subjects studied: Russian language, biology, chemistry, physics)

-              Engineering (subjects studied: Russian language, physics, mathematics, computer science)

-              Economic (subjects studied: Russian language, mathematics, social studies, computer science)

Term of theoretical training:

1st semester from March 05 to July 08

2d semester from September 10 to December 30

3d semester from January 14 to July 24

The cost of training in the 2019/20 academic year is 98,000 (ninety-eight thousand) rubles for 1.5 years with a training load of 1,380 hours. Of these, 912 hours are allocated to study the Russian language and 468 hours are allocated to specialized subjects.

During the academic year, evenings, educational and cultural excursions, and Olympiads in subjects are held.

At the disposal of foreign students-a library, a sports complex.

Foreign students are provided with a place in the University campus.



The price includes only training. Accommodation costs, medical insurance, and government taxes related to registration, renewal, and visa processing are not included and must be paid additionally.

Accommodation in the campus is paid separately, the cost of living for 1 (one) month is 600 rubles.

Medical insurance – 3,200 rubles

State fee for visa processing – 1600 rubles


Read in Russian


The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Vyatka State University", the main building:

610000, Russia, Kirov region, Kirov, Moskovskaya St, 36

The Preparatory Faculty


The Dean’s Office: Kirov, Krasnoarmeyskaya St, 26, educational building 13, office 201

Phone: +7 (8332) 742-859

The Dean - Irina Merkulova


Specialist - Inna Glyzina