Education for foreigners

Russian as a foreign language (preparation for University entrance)

  • 30 November 2016, 21:01
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4176

The Preparatory Faculty carries out pre-university preparation of foreign citizens. After successful completion of any educational program there a state Certificate is issued indicating the level of the Russian language sufficient to study at Russian universities.

There are four profiles of study:

1. Humanities (subjects: Russian language, History, Social Studies)

2. Natural Sciences (subjects: Russian language, Biology, Chemistry)

3. Engineering (subjects: Russian language, Physics, Mathematics)

4. Economic (subjects: Russian language, Mathematics, Social Studies)

Studying period:

1 semester - from October,1 to December,31

2 semester - from January,12 to June,30

The 2016/17 academic year tuition fee is 65 000 (sixty-five thousand) rubles per academic year (1,080 studying hours in total).

Out of them 612 hours are the Russian language classes and 468 hours are for the profile subjects.

Various evenings, educational and cultural excursions, competitions in subjects take place during an academic year.

Library’s and sports complex’s services are available for foreign students.

PLEASE NOTE! This price includes only the tuition fee. All accommodation costs, medical insurance costs, state taxes relating to the registration, its renewal and visas issuing are not included there and should be paid separately.

Accommodation in the hostel is also paid separately, the price for 1 (one) month is 500 rubles.

Medical insurance is 4500 rubles.

The national duty for visa is 1600 rubles.


 Read in Russian
